Post by Admin on Sept 23, 2009 4:09:34 GMT -5
It was just way too quiet. That was really all that Matthias could think about as he hovered near the trailer. They'd been getting ready to move, and for Matthias' taste it was not a moment too soon. He'd been antsy ever since he and Melanie had found Fin. The trailer didn't feel right; he had even taken to eating and sleeping outside of late.
It's empty, right? Matthias thought to himself as he landed on a tree and began to absently preen, Oh, no, wait, I gave them the day off. It's just Melanie, Fin, and those two new guys that are... Matthias' thoughts were interrupted when movement caught his hunter's eye. It's just one of the guys inside. You're letting this paranoia get to you, Matthias. Fluttering down from the tree, Matthias began to demorph, looking up into the skies to see if he could spot any of the others coming back from patrol.
Ordinarily, Matthias' speed in morphing was an asset. On this particular day, however, it nearly cost him his life. In slightly more than a minute, Matthias was walking towards the trailer. He had nearly reached the door when he felt the hairs on his back raise up in alarm. Something is very wrong here... Calling out the name of one of the members, Matthias paused with his hand on the door, suddenly hearing absolutely no movement inside, which was very odd considering that there were half a dozen people in there.
Matthias stepped back away from the door, beginning to morph again. In this world, you couldn't trust anything but your instincts. Black fur had barely sprouted from his skin when he saw it: a face in the window. It wasn't one of his members, and it was holding something in its hand. They found us! Matthias backed away from the door as the face disappeared. A moment later, Matthias felt his world collapse for the second time in his life as the trailer exploded in a ball of flame worthy of Hollywood.
Thrown clear into the woods by the blast, Matthias began morphing purely on instinct, wanting to heal any injuries he had before his body realized it had been hurt. Not knowing who was in range, Matthias just bellowed in thought-speak to each of his members in turn, <<EVERYONE INTO THE WOODS NOW!>>
The outhouse where new members were occasionally held for three days was the only safe place that every member knew about, and it was the place that they would know Matthias meant. As soon as he was fully panther, however, Matthias did not take his own advice. He waited there, hidden in the leaves, watching the wreckage. First he would have to see if the Yeerks were here, then he would look for survivors. Guilt would come later; they had to act NOW.
Why blow us up? It was the only question that Matthias' brain could handle, If they knew where we were, why didn't they just come and capture us?
Well, an explosion. Never a good sound, in Lukas' experience. Especially not when he was landing. Certainly, the sight of a goose crashing into a thorny bush might amuse some, but being that goose was markedly less pleasant. Still, Lukas knew that there were bigger issues at hand than a few pin pricks from thorns, and this thought was backed up by the subsequent bellowed order from Matthias.
<Alright, I'll meet you at the outhouse> Lukas replied, his calm thought not betraying his confusion. Whatever had happened, it was bad for them. That much was evident from Matthias' warning. Better head there quick and hope for answers.
Unfortunately, it appeared that the impact may have caused more harm than he initially thought. His left wing felt broken, and blood was trickling down his feathers. his blood. Lukas immediatly began to demorph, his growing, shifting bones mending themselves and his flesh melting together to conceal any wounds. After a few minutes, Lukas was in his own human form once more. He dragged himself from the scrub and, the instant he was free of the leafy bindings, he began to remorph, becoming a fresh canada goose once more. He angled himself in the direction of the shack, and, with a slight run, launched himself from the soily earth. As he flew, he wondered.
What could have happened? I may not have known Matthias long, but its hard to miss the urgency of his message. Undoubtedly, terrible news awaited Lukas.
Ray had been out all night and was now seriously ready for some shut eye. A good twelve hour hybernation would put things right, but only if he could manage it. He was pretty sure his faction would need him to be more productive than that. Ray had been patrolling the woods with Fin looking out for trouble all night. It was in the earlier hours in the morning after the sun had come up did he hear the faint cry of what must have been a fellow faction member. <<EVERYONE INTO THE WOODS NOW>> which had come after a very loud explosion.
He could see the smoke rising from his height, but little else. <<Hey Fin! I think we missed something....>> he yelled out to the fellow patroller. He also thought some other indecent thoughts about how he should have been able to catch that coming whatever it was. <<We've got to get back....RIGHT NOW!>>
Ray took off flying as fast as the pigeon morph could manage and dove into the cover of the woods. Once he was in close he flared his wings and hit the ground just a little carelessly. He was demorphing now and a lot slower than he could have ever asked for. He knew that the bird morph was the best option for a quick get away, but tactically another morph was more suitable he thought. He didn't know much about the situation and whatever had made that explosion had obviously brought some serious weapons to the battlefield. No, he needed something that would allow him to get more information about this situation. Besides, he thought with a grin, might run into something interesting enough to pee on...The black and brown fur began to sprout.
Lalalala, Fin sang to himself inside his head. It had been a pretty hectic night. Found a new member, got chased by hunter robots, found a new member again, escaped from hunter robots. All good things. He wanted to go back to the Hunting Lodge and chill but he knew he should probably get the new recruits to Matthias or suffer his wrath, and panthers could be surprisingly wrathy. He laughed to himself. Matthias had a snake morph and a panther morph. All he needed was a bear and he would be the entire Jungle Book all by himself.
As they flew past the lodge Fin gave it a wistful glance. He spent most of his days there, getting it ready to house an entire faction, but their official place of residence was still the trailer he had spent three days locked up in.
He let his sound sight sweep over the forest below, painting the world in silver inside his head. His powerful wings beat the cold predawn air as made his way back to the trailer. Birds soared, bats flapped, but they were infinitely more maneuverable and that had saved his life more than once tonight. It just might save his life again he thought as he heard Matthias' panicked thought speak order. Well, not panicked precisely, but definitely urgent, yes he detected a sense of urgency.
<<Hey Fin! I think we missed something...>> I think you're right he thought to himself but he didn't have time to say it because Ray hit the ground and started demorphing.
For a moment Fin thought about following his example but decided against it. <<I'll fly ahead, scout it out, and let you know what you're in for. I hope that dog of yours is as powerful as you say, he might be needed. Or she,>> he added as an afterthought, <<your morph could always be female. Hmmm, that would be interesting. I wonder if I'm female, what's the difference in bats?>> He continued the conversation in his head. I mean, how come they never teach you anything useful in school like how to tell a male bat from a female bat. That could turn out to be vital information one day, like today, and we don't know it. A shame.
He seemingly hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings but as he came up to the clearing where the trailer was located he flipped easily and dug his talons into a branch. He looked out over the mess that was the remains of the trailer. Well this isn't good. He concentrated on staying completely still and pretended to be an icicle. The only part of him that moved was his mouth as he let his sound sight sweep the air around him. When he thought it was safe he let go of the branch, dropped down, and snapped his wings open, catching enough air to glide back the way he came.
<<Ray and Lukas if you're in range, trouble. I'm pretty sure the entire trailer just got blown up. The trailer was our headquaters but I guess you'll never get the grand tour now. We have to find Matthias. Shouldn't be hard. Look for the big, mean, pissed off panther.>> He started to follow his own advice and began searching the area. <<Or a snake,>> he added on second thought. <<He could always be a snake.>>
Yes, at last! Ray was fully dog now. The ears heard it all. Plain and simple. The fiery burning a hard thing to miss with such sensitive ears. It was diffidently out of place and the smell reinforced it tenfold. Even being this far into the woods it was surprising how much better the these two senses ever were to anything Ray had been used to as a human. He took off after hearing Fin's message about the pissed off panther. It wouldn't be too hard finding anything that was pissed off seeing as everything else was probably scared senseless. The dog? The odd smells and sounds kept it alert which was a good thing because Ray needed his mind to be working on some sort of tactical plan...Finding Matthias would be a good start, but where to go from there? He knew he wasn't the leader by a long shot...hell, he hadn't even been given a chance to accept the role of a peon much less work his way up, but he was sure Matthias could use some ideas. <<I hear you loud and clear Fin. You must be around here somewhere. We need to designate a meeting spot is what we need to do...>> Ray said in private thought speak. The last thing they needed was last minute battle plans being sent straight to the enemy.
Running through the Forrest was pretty simple for the dog. He wished he could be more in-tune with the woods, but he knew it would take a wolf morph to do that. The dog, all 130 pounds of him, was surprisingly quite nimble when it came to avoiding trees and leaping over logs. Ok Ray thought, Right now we're supposed to run around in circles finding things that don't belong, the whole woods is possibly surrounded with all kinds of who-knows-what aliens ready to feast on dog like starving Asians on a chow hound, and I've not even met the ringleader yet! He debated on howling until someone came to him and then having it out, but decided against it. This morph could probably take on one target and even that would be a coin flip providing it wasn't hork bajir or taxxon. Human? Whole other story. But then again they probably had dracon beams....
With all this incessant rambling going on Ray didn't even notice he'd almost walked out of the woods toward the trailer and quickly jumped back. He turned around knowing that the trailer had no tactical use anymore other than a beacon and most likely a trap. He set off now to go find the most unlikely character in the woods...and no it wasn't the Deku tree.
What the hell does he think he's doing? Matthias had been watching Ray from the trees for the last few moments, his panther morph perfectly still as he listened and scanned for signs of life. There were none. No Controllers coming forth from the wreckage, no sounds of vehicles approaching from the distance...and no friendly survivors. Ray was lumbering around in his dog morph; strong, yes, but a moving target as far as the hunter in Matthias was concerned.
Matthias was about to yell out at Ray in thought-speak when it hit him. Ray and Lukas were new; it was possible he didn't know about the damned outhouse yet. <<Ray, get out of here. There's nothing we can do. If anyone's still alive, they'll meet us at the outhouse about half a kilometre into the woods. No point in staying around here. No rescue is coming.>> Matthias thought-speak voice sounded hollow. <<Fin! Melanie! Where are you two?>> Matthias had seen Ray now and heard from Lukas, but Fin and Melanie had been radio-silent, so to speak.
We just lost more than half the faction in one blow and all we have are questions. You win this one, Yeerks. But we're not through yet. With his mind sedated for the moment, Matthias got down to business, <<Everyone. Outhouse. Now. Do not, I repeat, do NOT go anywhere near the trailer. It's gone. There's nothing left, nothing we can do. You just endanger yourself and the rest of us by investigating. We'll go back when things have cooled down, but we need to regroup. Remember...>> He sighed, <<This is war.>>
<<Outhouse. Got it.>> Ray replied to the eerie hollow voice that he just knew belonged to Matthias. Ray had not yet seen Matthias, but that didn't matter at the moment. What did was following the battle plan. Ray took off toward the direction of the outhouse now wondering just how many of them were left here in Vancouver. Sure, he knew that they were small in numbers, but so far he'd only heard of four names that he would be working with.
The dog's big coat mixed well with this cold Canadian weather and the dog didn't seem to tire very easily, but he knew that once he was demorphed he may not even have the strength to remorph. He was just that tired. Flying from halfway across the country on a nonstop flight, running from aliens on midnight patrol, then this had really taken its toll. It was all crazy sure, but Ray hadn't had the hardest time believing it. Why be so determined to all of this off? It would do absolutely no help at all when the truth was right in front of you or you were a part of it.
Fin was hanging from a branch and keeping an eye on the panther below him. The black fur coat wasn't the best camouflage in this environment, especially not during the day, but Matthias was crouching completely still and it was hard to see something that wasn't moving. Of course none of that mattered to his sonar which had found him easily enough. He wondered if Matthias could hear him. Humans wouldn't be able to but what about panthers? He was pondering this question when he got his answer. <<Fin! Melanie! Where are you two?>> He would have answered but then Matthias went into order giving mode so Fin held his peace until he ordered everyone to the outhouse.
Outhouse? I know where that is. <<Hey! I know where the outhouse is!>> He shouted like a little kid in a classroom who knew the right answer, though he kept the thoughtspeak private so that only Ray, Lukas, and Matthias would hear.
He dropped from his branch, he loved doing that, and flew towards the last place he'd seen Ray. <<Follow me,>> he said to Ray, dipping low enough so that he was in the dog's line of vision and then staying that low. Flying that low was dangerous but also exhilarating in the challenges it presented.
<<Oh, Matthias, I'm with Ray.>> Fin added as an afterthought though the notification was now unnecessary.
<I have no idea> Mel had replied privately. <And I don't like it> She had intended to demorph and wait nervously for whatever yelling at she was going to get. But the deer was on full alert. <<I don't like these smells...but I can't place why>> she said. Then,when Matthias yelled, she ran. The blast sent her rolling, tumbling...
Slowly, she climbed to her feet, disoriented and with a painful right hind leg. One antler was missing and there was blood on her head from it.
<<I'm here>> she called privately to the other faction members,not wanting anyone else in the area to hear as she limped toward the outhouse. <<I think I broke a leg...and I look like that deer from Open Season with the one antler thing...but I'm alive>>
Ray ran as fast as he could without passing Fin up. It was a little challenging trying to watch a bat while running through a dense woods, all the while trying not to pass it up for fear that something was behind you. The outhouse. he thought. What a glamorous place for such a glamorous job! The grim sarcasm keeping his mind off of the fact he could be killed any second now. It was a good thing too because if panic set in....No it wouldn't because he was the master at thinking of dumb things like this to keep his mind off of it. He had thought he heard another voice enter his head, but was too preoccupied with the current task at hand to comprehend it.
Ray was tired of this running away from unknown things. His humorous side kicked in full force simply because there was nothing else left to do. He was tired of just up and running when every little thing happened. He wanted to know what he was up against. He wanted to know how badly the odds were stacked against him. He wanted backed into a corner. Hell, he would even settle for a cheap shot so long it was some form of retaliation. Maybe not today, but sometime there would be vengeance. He didn't know what it was about the cold feelings he had felt since the beginning of this whole thing. He did know one thing though: once they were expressed in a manner of his choice it would be the other way around. They would not only have the hope, but the power to grant mercy...or deny it.
Matthias was moving slowly toward the outhouse when he got word from Fin and Melanie at last. <<Melanie, demorph, remorph, and get your butt to the outhouse. The rest of us will be there already. Stay hidden.>> Matthias was in damage-control mode now. Half of his faction was dead, and he needed to make sure the other half didn't fall to pieces on him.
<<Everyone. When you get to the outhouse, demorph. We've got a long trip ahead of us and I want everyone to have the full two hours to make it. No one is becoming a nothlit because they lost track of time.>>
Matthias was already demorphing as he saw the outhouse come into sight, and was fully human by the time he approached it. They were as safe as they were going to get. It was time to talk.
Waiting until everyone was present and human before he began, Matthias took a deep breath. "Alright, look. I'm no good at sympathy speeches or anything like that. We lost half our faction today. I don't know how they found us, and I don't know why they blew us up rather than try and take us alive. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we're shaken, but we're still here, and we have to keep it together."
He turned to Fin, "We're going to travel in pairs to the lodge where Melanie first ran into Fin. Ray, you go with Fin, but for God's sake, stay out of sight. It's forest pretty much the whole way, so you should be alright. Keep away from the open sky when possible if you're flying."
"Melanie, you take Lukas, if you remember the way there. I'll meet you all at the cabin. I'm going to stay here for a while, wait for things to cool down. There are two invaluable items in that trailer that I hope survived. We'll see."
"When you are all there, designate someone, I don't care who, to come back quietly in case I need help. The rest of you can finish shaping up the place for us to live in. That's our new headquarters. We can mourn then."
He sighed, and smiled weakly, "Okay, I'm done rambling. Anyone have something to say?"
No, Ray didn't have anything at all to say.There was absolutely nothing he could say that would help this situation in any way shape or form. Ah the perks of being the new guy. Get to sit around and have no clue what's normal and what's not. He was sure that losing faction members like this wasn't normal at all, but he couldn't help but think that it probably wasn't an entirely new concept to them either. Tactically or otherwise, Ray was out of things to say so instead he concentrated on demorphing. He was extremely slow this time not really in any immediate danger and really having no reason to push it to the limits. He paused for a minute or so in human morph looking completely out of place in this woods and feeling as much in regard to the team. He never really was a person that particularly enjoyed teams, not that he had even fully met this one yet.
All through school the teacher usually had to tell him which group to join even if she let them pick their own teams.He knew though that this was a different sort of team though, one that depended on him surviving and him depending on it. He hated the dependence to something feeling as though it were the biggest liability he owned, and yet, the only reason he was alive. He knew he now had people to fall back on, but that didn't necessarily mean he wanted to. The whole prospect of someone giving their life for his was one that was foreign to him and also completely unnecessary. He didn't like the fact that someone would do that because if he was a fool enough to put himself in a predicament that didn't mean someone else should die because of his mistake. Thats just not the way it was supposed to work. If he was going to die he was going to die.
He finally gathered enough strength to start the remorph and this turned out to go even slower than the demorph. He finally got it completed and was now waiting on Fin to collect himself, not for the guidance, but for the extra set of eyes. He was fairly sure he still knew where the lodge was, but there was a tactical advantage to having two of them out in case they needed to run from something.
Fin quickly demorphed and remorphed back to his bat. He had a kit fox morph but he figured it was better to have a pair of eyes (and ears) in the sky and a some legs on the ground, than to have just one or the other.
When he was ready he began flapping off in a direction that wouldn't lead them directly back to the Hunting Lodge. If anything was following them then he wanted some time to figure it out before it tracked them back to their new home.
A couple of minutes out he spotted a controller making it's way through the woods back toward the outhouse. It was a young boy with a spear but that didn't mean anything in a world where the enemy was hidden inside your skull.
He called down to Ray. <<What should we do? Head back to the outhouse and warn Matthias or keep going and let him fend for himself?>>
Lukas shook his head solemnly as Matthias spoke. He hadn't known his now-deceased teammates well, and though he was certainly very sorry about thier demise, he couldn't thing of anything fitting to say on their behalf. Instead, he listened quietly, focusing on the perilous task ahead. As Matthias finished talking, Lukas nodded and turned to face the window, grimacing as he felt his bones hollow and reshape for the morph into goose form once again. As his body twisted and moulded itself, he felt his heart race, and he vowed within once again to make the yeerks pay for their transgressions.
Finally, the changes completed, and the large bird flapped his wings and launched himself onto the windowsill , before turning this head to look back into the room.
<<Good luck everyone>> He said, hoping that there'd be a full compliment of animorphs when they regrouped. Then, fixing his glassy avian eyes upon Melanie, he said <<Well, shall we tango?>>
<All right> Melanie obeyed, hiding, demorphing and then remorphing. When she got to the outhouse and demoprhed, she listened to Matthias closely.
"If it's okay, I'm going airborne as well." she said. "It may be a cockatoo but it's a lot easier morph to hide than the deer." Plus she felt safer in the air,able to fly like crazy for cover if trouble came than on the ground. She focused on the bird morph, still not totally used to the shrinking and assorted changes that took place as she went from human to pscittacine.(sp?) Her arms got broad and flat and her feathers came in. Her legs got scaly and her heels split to form the rear facing parrot toes while her real toes melted together to form the front. Her lips and nose pushed out and hardened as her teeth disappeared to form the beak. But she loved the wings, and the fact that the bird had some natural intelligence, unlike the mostly instinct driven deer.
<<Sure.>> she replied privately to Lukas after she finished her morph and took off after him. <Boy, are we an odd couple. Goose and cockatoo. I know the deer would have fit into the landscape better but this way I can stay out of sight easier and you'll have an easier time keeping me *in* sight. I just hope this bird isn't the type to tire too quickly. Just be careful you don't pass me up since your wings are so much bigger than mine. Sorry, I'm rambling again..bad habit.>> she made the morph sigh as much as a bird could.
Melanie recalled Matthias' words about things that were necessary. *like the morph store...that had better have survived or we're all in trouble* she thought.
Ray took off after Fin as soon as he had morphed. After about 5 minutes or so Fin had already spotted trouble. Ray had thought he had picked up an odd scent and Fin was quick to verify the extra presence. <<What should we do? Head back to the outhouse and warn Matthias or keep going and let him fend for himself?>> Fin asked. Ray thought for a second thinking that this guy was probably tracking them somehow. He needed disposed before they could go any further to their future home. << Both>> Ray came back coolly. <<You go warn Matthias....and I'll bring em back to fend for himself. If there's more then we're already had, but I don't think so. Either way we've got the element of surprise and little else so we might as well use it. I've got the more obvious morph so he shouldn't notice you disappearing. Me on the other hand...>> Ray barked and ran towards him showing himself. He knew the guy was already onto them, but he was singling himself out. He turned to his left and started off at a brisk pace. <<Don't worry I'll give you guys a few minutes. If theres any backup be ready to split.>>
Fin turned in the air and began flapping his way back to Matthias but they were already near the outhouse and it wouldn't take him that long. <<Good luck,>> he called back to Ray.
As he came once again into the clearing he landed on the outside of the outhouse and directed his thought speak in, <<Matthias, we got an unknown human out there and headed this way.>>
Mitch and his skunk had been looking for food of any sort to replenish their food supply. So far, they had half way filled their bag up with various sorts of nuts, berries, leaves, roots, eggs and several other things. Suddenly, he saw a bat flying away and he thought, what is a spectral bat doing this far north? He knew it was a spectral bat from reading all kinds of encyclopedias and field guides on animals. But why was it flying this far north in the daytime? Suddenly, he watched his skunk lift his hindlegs up and curl his tail over his eyes. Mitch knew what that meant. That meant that there was an enemy nearby so he raised his spear and poised it for action.
Suddenly a dog walked out of the bushes in front of him. It looked at him and began walking away. Mitch decided to follow it, as it might lead him to prey or another source of food. Besides, I can always kill it later. He then focused on watching everything that was going to happen.
Ray glanced behind him to make sure that this guy was following and surely enough he was. After leading him in a rather big circle Ray headed back to the outhouse. What was odd about the whole thing is that there was a skunk following them as well. <<Skunk, are you with us?>>Ray asked of it first thinking that it was someone he hadn't met yet from the faction. After nothing but a startled momentary pause by the skunk he figured either it didn't want to cooperate or there really was a just a natural inhabitant of the woods wanting to know what the hell is going on around here these days.
After giving it an extra couple of minutes he neared the outhouse and called in advance <<Special delivery for Matthias>> he called in private thought speak. <<One outnumbered threat with all the fixings.>>
Mitch kept following the dog through the woods. It seemed to have a purpose as it never got sidetracked and it never stopped. Maybe the dog has something to do with the bat I saw earlier. But where is the dog leading me? Suddenly, Mitch noticed the skunk suddenly jump back. That's odd, skunks never do that. They always threaten to spray and they never show fear or run away.
Mitch decided to keep following the dog, although he was getting hungry but not ready yet to kill the dog. Then he looked up ahead of the dog and saw a clearing. After walking a couple more steps, he saw the edge of a building or something. But what would a building be doing out here? Sensing a trap, Mitch held his spear out and stepped off the dogs path and made his own way towards the clearing. Of course, the skunk followed.
Matthias began morphing as fast as he could when he got Fin and Ray's warning. As soon as he had the panther's senses, he had a lock on the boy. <<Pet skunk?>> He asked Ray, <<Or is that a morpher?>> Matthias was constantly aware of the idea that it was possible for the Yeerks to have gotten their hands on a morphing cube. If that happened, their one advantage was gone.
<<If he thinks he's going to take on anything in these woods with a spear, he's mistaken.>> Not knowing whether this boy was hostile or not didn't put Matthias in a better mood. Now they had to deal with him as well. <<Stand by, guys. If I take him alive, you two get to escort him, and the skunk, to our new hideout. I don't like leaving the Escafil Device behind any longer than I have to.>>
Matthias waited behind the outhouse until he could smell that the intruder was more than close enough. Days like this, he loved being a cat. In a single bound he was atop the small building and a moment later he was atop of the boy. The spear had worried him for a second, but Mitch had held it too low to deal with a threat dropping from above. <<Somehow I don't think this one's Yeerk.>> Matthias added to Fin and Ray. <<Controllers don't carry spears.>>
Mitch walked into the clearing, still keeping an eye on the skunk. He walked over to the small wooden building. Bad mistake. To compensate for his lack of hearing, his sense of smell was better than most other people's. Mitch's nose was plagued by the noxious fumes and immediately backpedaled several feet. When he was clear of most of the stench, he turned around just in time to see the skunk get in its threatening position. Before Mitch could think, a massive weight landed on his back, and smashed him into the ground. With his one non-swollen eye, Mitch saw a black paw beside his head. A black panther! Those are dangerous! Then he came to his senses and thought, What is a black panther doing in Canada? I doubt there are any zoos nearby. What does a spectral bat, a black panther, and a really smart dog have in common?
Suddenly, a wave of overwhelming stench washed over him. It was ten times worse than the shack. The skunk! Taking advantage of his situation, he gritted his teeth and reached for his spear which had fallen out of his hand. He grabbed the part right under the blade, reached back and plunged the tip into the panther's side. He pulled it out and plunged it in again and again until the shaft broke off. Then he put his hands underneath him and attempted to push the panther off of him. Then the skunk obviously sprayed the panther again as the stench rolled over himself and the big cat.
<< Fin! I don't know how well you can manage it, but try getting that skunk the heck outta here!>> Ray shouted to Fin in private thought speak << I know I could, but that horrid stench! Try not to hurt it because it may be a morpher.>> His dog nose couldn't take it as he involuntarily backed away after trying to aid Matthias. He glanced around for any sign of an ambush, but nothing was coming. The boy was alone, yeerk or not. <<Matthias, if it is a yeerk he already knows who we are! I'm suggesting we talk to him if not for anything else it should add to our surprise element and maybe calm him.>> he said in private outspoke to Matthias. <<Fin, if you can separate the skunk from the boy then he's out of weapons and we'll have him!>>
Ray crouched ready to strike. The dog mind was wanting to bark so badly and Ray knew that if he did it may alert more unwanted guests so he did his best to keep it muffled to a low growl. Boy, I hope we've got some vacancies in the new pad...
Fin looked at the full grown skunk with distaste. His sensitve sense of smell was not helping in this situation and besides, it was a full grown skunk. A baby skunk, no problem, a rat, a squirrel, a mouse, a bird, a bat, all these things could be his prey. But a full grown squirrel. But that is what he must do, even if he smelled for a week after. Would morphing get rid of the smell?
He dove for the skunk and had to break off his attack as it turned and hissed at him. He turned and tried again. This time he got through the skunk's guard and was able to sink his claws deep into the animal's shoulders. His momentum was enough to get them off the ground though he could carry it. But that hadn't been his plan.
He aimed toward a tree and as they got close, let it go so that it flew headfirst into the tree trunk. He circled back around and noted that it wasn't dead, just stunned. It looked dead though, and smelled worse than dead.
<<I don't think I'll get a skunk morph. They stink.>> As he turned back he could see that Matthias he suffered some injury from the spear. It it had been a human with a spear, against a panther there would have been no contest but because Matthias had tackled the boy he had been able to use his spear, and the fact that Matthias didn't want to kill him, to his advantage.
<<I would quit with the spear kid, before Bagheera decides you're not worth keeping alive,>> Fin said, directing his thought speak to the young man.
Mitch abruptly failed at dislodging the panther. Then he watched as the bat came back and carried off the skunk. After alot of flapping, the bat threw the skunk into a tree. The skunk was still alive but it was out of the fight.
Then something strange happened. Something in his mind went, <<I would quit with the spear kid, before Bagheera decides you're not worth keeping alive,>> Where did that thought come from, Mitch thought. Am I crazy? Why would I be thinking of Baghera from The Jungle Book? Suddenly, Mitch thought, perhaps the panther is Baghera. Mitch looked around and saw the bat staring at him. Perhaps the bat was telepathic. That could explain how he heard something, for the first time in his life. He stopped struggling and waited for more directions.
<<Ow.>> Matthias muttered in public thought-speak. Mitch's strikes had been poorly aimed and weak, but they had hurt, and Matthias was losing more blood than he liked. Not to mention the repulsive smell that he had to deal with now. <<Kid, listen to the bat. You're a little boy with a spear. Do you really think a full grown panther couldn't have just taken your head off?>>
<<Right, I need to get out of here and demorph before I bleed too much and pass out.>> Now his thoughts were only directed at Ray and Fin, <<I'll leave it to you two. He can keep the skunk if he must, and try and do something about the smell, otherwise we'll do a tomato juice raid tomorrow. Get this kid out of here, find out what his name is, and give him the lowdown. Tell him everything he needs to know. I'll catch up with you when I've taken stock of what's up with the trailer.>>
<<Listen to the dog, kid.>> Matthias got off of Mitch, staggering a little, and began to pad off into the woods, <<And don't worry, you're not crazy. Well, no crazier than the rest of us.>>
Ray thought that the urge to bark was bad! Ha! It was hundreds and hundreds of times harder not to go off and tell this kid he was an animal god and these were his underlings sent from the heavens because the Apocalypse was upon them...Which it kind of was, but he wasn't the dictator of it. And the ones that were behind it certainly weren't gods.
<< I'd just love to tell you that I'm in the same predicament Eddie Mcdowd was in and I've just got to do good deeds to become human again, but its much less simple than that...>> Ray started out trying not to be as harsh as the reality that he was explaining really was. <<I don't need to do that because I can become human whenever I please...Actually it's my true form. I morph. I can morph into anything I want so long as I've got it's DNA in me. Whoopee! Technological breakthrough extravaganza huh? We'll turns out we actually just use it as a weapon. Trust me theres nothing I'd rather do than go on a nonstop morphing spree, but we've got a world to save. By the looks of things you probably haven't been in town lately, but its filled with yeerks and controllers. Yeerks infest your brain and take over control of you which makes you a controller. It's hard to know who they are because they blend in just like we do. We can explain it in detail later, but until we get to where we need to go I need you to think something over: "Do I want to be a mindless slave or one bad mother morpher?">>
With the voice in his head, Mitch was sure he was going crazy. Then he heard a differnent tone in his head, telling him what to do. Then he felt the panther get off his back. Maybe the panther is the voice I heard last. As Mitch stood up, he realized that his left leg was hurt. He managged to stand up completely and used the shaft of the broken spear to balance himself.
Then he listened with his mind to a third voice in his head telling him about becoming animals, mind controlling creatures, and the fact that these telepathic animals are human. Mitch tried asking them through sign language how they changed into animals but they didn't seem to be able to understand so Mitch grabbed the pencil and pad of paper from his bacck pocket, wrote it out, and held it up so the animals could read it.
Ray had seen the guy make gestures with his hands which looked foreign yet there was something familiar to it. It took him a few moments, but once he saw him pull out paper and start writing he knew that the guy was deaf. Ray didn't know much sign language, only a thing here or there and a few other choice things...<<We can morph because a more peaceful alien species sent it to us a long time ago. It was their way of saying "Sorry we couldn't make the party, but here's this anyway.">> Ray explained <<The morphing cube will grant anyone whom it comes into contact with, the power to morph into anything they acquire afterwords which consists of physical contact. We need to get to this hideout we got first though so lets make tracks. Just follow me and our buddy Fin will watch from the skies.>> Ray turned in the direction of the lodge and waited until the others were ready. He was ready to get anywhere that consisted of four walls.
Mitch decide that the dog was the last voice since it told him to follow him and then the dog left. And the dog 'said' that a person named Fin would be flying so that must be the bat. Left with no other choice really, Mitch decided to trust the voices so he walked to a tree, picked the skunk up, and then limped after the dog. Besides the panther might return at any moment.
They passed all different kinds of plants and burrows, and Mitch kept swiping handlfulls of berries and things and stuffing them into the sack. After several minutes of traveling, Mitch wrote on his pad, Would it be possible for me to be able to change into animals? He ran up to the dog, poked the dog's shoulder, and held the pad in front of its face.
Lukas smiled mentally as Melanie went off on her tirade, and as she finished he nodded and took flight from his perch. He flapped hard to increase his altitude, and had soon cleared the treetops, allowing the goose mind to manipulate its tireless flight. He flew on, listening carefully to any directions passed on from Mel, and after a brief flight north, he spotted a wooden structure. Doubtless it was the lodge to which they had been sent, and without waiting for any confirmation from his partner he swiftly descended towards it, landing roughly upon the roof. Looking around, he saw no trace of the others, which troubled him. They might not necessarily have travelled as quickly as he had, but certainly some trace of them should have beeen evident by now. However, he could presently see nothing.
<<Where are they? They should be at least close by now.>> He whispered to Melanie. Then, curiosity overcoming him, Lukas directed his thoughts to the others, thoughtspeak uninhibited by the trees which hindered his vision. <<Are you guys alright? Need any help? I can't see you yet.>>
Fat load of good he could do, he thought bitterly. Geese were fairly large and aggressive, but no match for a human-controller. And as for the raccoon, well, his best hope was to first contract rabies, and that wasn't much of a bright choice. He just hoped his companions could hear him.
Ray paused after noticing that the guy had written something else for him to read. The dog eyes weren't the best and it took him a second, but he finally got it. <<Ha ha, aside from invading aliens, assured gloom and doom, and being part of the few surviving free people left, then yeah. I believe that Matthias would have the morphing cube. He's the panther. Me, the panther, the bat, and anyone else you may meet at this lodge should be considered friends. Anyone else could potentially be deadly. Trust no one else...Hell, be weary of us even if it makes you feel any better...I'm weary of everyone from time to time, but that's just me. We need all the people we can get, so don't worry about being left out of the little circus act we got goin' here.>>
After a few more miles they finally were close to the lodge to which Fin, the boy, and he were the last ones aside from Matthias. Melanie, and Lukas were already there apparently because he had just heard Lukas send out a call. Ray answered <<Yeah, we're right here>> Ray replied as he stepped out of the brush into the clearing that was the lodge. <<We picked up some help along the way...We're all fine now though.>> He announced. <<Before we get started with proper introductions I'd like to call 1, 2, 3 NOT it on being the one who goes back for Matthias.>>
Mitch had listened to the dog who seemed to make sense. Then they continued walking along in silence when a forth voice appeared in his head asking where everybody was. The dog answered and a minute or so later, they were in a clearing with a log cabin. Mitch looked up and saw a Canadian goose on the roof of the house. That must be the fourth person. Then the skunk started moving in his arms so Mitch put it down on the ground.
Then the dog "said" something about going to get a Matthias person. Perhaps that is another one of these people? These were strange people. Even after the dog telling him that they were people, Mitch still had a hard time of thinking of them as anything else besides telepathic animals. He took out the paper and pencil again and wrote, How do you talk with your thoughts like that? And how can I hear them?. Then he did as before and held it up in front of the dog.
Ray turned to Mitch as he noticed that he had written again. <<We use thought speak to communicate. I cannot use the dog's means of communicating to form a sentence>> he explained. <<This thought speak is embedded into the technology that allows us to morph. I can use my thought speak to communicate directly to you or I can announce it publicly for everyone to hear. Right now I'm using private. Another thing about morphing is that we can be in morph for up to two hours. After that we are trapped in the current morph forever. Morphing drains energy from you and makes you tired and it also takes some time to complete with two or three minutes being the norm.>>
Ray sat down and started scratching behind his ear then proceeded to lie down. The idleness was killing him, as was the fact he hadn't had a good rest or sleep in what seemed like forever. He lowered his head on his paws and glanced around at the people whom he would probably die standing beside...
Mitch understood what the dog said, although it was a little far-fetched. He still had several questions like if there were others like them, what kinds of animals can they become, how many they can become and on and on. But Mitch decied to just ask one. He wrote on another piece of papar, Can you communicate with your mind when you are human? While he waited, Mitch began to feel uncomfortable just standing around with a lot of telepathic humans slash animals.
Meanwhile, the skunk was walking around the area sniffing things and digging in the ground. The skunk had forgotten about the dog so when it wlked over to Mitch and dropped a dead grasshopper at his feet, the skunk automatically flipped its tail over its head and sprayed the dog. Immediate;y Steve wrote, I am so sorry about that! I'm sure the skunk didn't mean anything.
Ray had been lost in thought...So many things to think about that his mind seemed to be on autopilot as he lied there in the soft grass letting everything around him naturally go about its business. He saw more written material. <<Ah, no you cannot. I can't read your human thoughts no matter how hard you try to communicate with them.>> he replied. The dog mind was content and the human mind, well it was too tired to care about much at all. He had another hour before he had to be back to human anyway and since he called not it on going back to get Matthias he would probably lounge lazily guarding camp. He...<<AH!!!>> all of the sudden Ray had gotten a terrible stench and jumped up and involuntarily let out a bark. This menace would have to go! It's encroaching upon HIS territory it.... He noticed the boy with the paper again and he remembered that he was human not dog. <<Ah well, its the nature of the beast...which can take over from time to time when you are in morph...You've got to deal with the animals wants, needs, fears, and abilities.>> He said more amused than angered now. Ray had always liked animals and found the skunk to be a funny character despite the horrid stench. He backed away and went to lay underneath a rather large shade tree that was close to the lodge, but far enough away to see that he would not scare the skunk.
Lukas had been watching quietly, asking his own questions in silence. What would become of them? Who was this new person? Who or what caused that explosion. It was a surprise when Mel's voice rang through his brain. He'd heard her say something earlier, but it hadn't been clear. However, looking around he spotted what he'd previously just assumed: Mel wasn't actually with him. Instead, she appeared to be out of sight, and she'd smelled something unusual. Lukas assumed it was just this newcomer that'd been detected, but he thought better to go and make sure.
<<It seems Mel fell behind...>> Lukas admitted, somewhat sheepishly. <<I'll fly back to her and see what's wrong, she said she smells something amiss. It may just be this guy and his foul-smelling kitty-cat here, but I'm just going to check. I'll be right back.>>
Without waiting for acknowledgement or agreement, Lukas raised his wings and launched into the air once more, this time searching for Melanie.
He had a good idea where she was though.
Ray listened to Lukas speak and when he flew off Ray wasn't planning to follow unless of course trouble arose. He figured that Lukas would probably go back for Matthias while he was out so he could multitask. He had about a half hour left so he decided it was best to demorph. <<I'm going to demorph now Mitch. I may appear quite odd for a couple minutes or so.>> Ray took a couple minutes to demorph and once he was done. He looked at the shocked look on Mitch's face and to it he replied "It's cool I'm fully human now."
He was looking around now with all the colors he didn't have as a dog and was enjoying the scenery when he thought he saw something move out in the brush. It didn't take him long to identify it as a Moose. The moose had a full set of antlers and was very large. He knew moose were very common in Canada and wasn't at all surprised to see it. He knew you were supposed to mind your own business and they'd mind their's. He had read about this when he picked up a traveler's guide just outside of Vancouver at a rest stop where he had demorphed. He also knew that they could run up to 35 miles per hour and were excellent at kicking with the front legs as well as the back. The antlers would definitely hurt and maybe even impale someone...A very suitable battle morph he thought. He walked over to it cautiously reaching out a hand for the moose's tough hide...
Melanie moved through the trees, enjoying the flying, but soon realizing it wasn't as good an idea as it had originally seemed. Lukas' wings were much bigger than hers and she couldn't go fast enough to keep in front of him, while he couldn't slow enough to stay behind her.
<<I'm going to find a place and go deer'll be easier.>> she said privately, in case they were being watched. She looked around carefully, and not seeing anyone, found a place well hidden enough to land, demorph and remorph to deer.
A bit later, as they were nearing the lodge though not in sight of it yet, Mel caught a scent. <<I think we have company.>> she called up privately. <<Just one I think, from the scent. Let's try and see if it's a Yeerk or not...if it is, I should be able to handle it if you can draw his attention away from me.>>
Lukas tore through the air on his powerful wings, scanning the forest below for Melanie, or any of her morphs. He just hoped she wasn't in Fly form - a bird he may be, but he was no raptor. Sure enough, he soon saw a deer, and thought he'd try his luck, hoping it was his partner.
<<Mel, what exactly is it you smell? The lodge is close, and others are there already. Ray seems to have found some new guy with a skunk, who he says is clean. It may be that you smell just that guy. If not, then we'd still better power on, safety in numbers and all that. I'll cover you if there is danger, I've yet to get my beak dirty.>>
Lukas circled overhead, not an easy feat in his long-distance geared form, but a task he managed to accomplish as he awaited a reply from Melanie.
<<Ew, that's one morph I'd hate to be on the wrong end of>> Melanie replied. <<No, this one's least as far as I can tell from what I smelled in this morph before.>> She finally spotted the blurry form up ahead, unable to make out sharp details with deer eyes but thinking he looked like a hunter type. Except normal hunters don't carry dracon guns.
<<Man, these controllers are EVERYWHERE>> Melanie complained as she heard a shot, still keeping it private as she dodged behind a tree. <<Draw his fire, if you can get that thing pointed away from me, I can take him out. These antlers can kill if I do it right. I saw it on TV.>>
Fin had scouted for the party as it made its way through the woods. He honestly suspected to see anything in these woods after the past few hours. He wondered if the presence of the hunter robots had been linked with these attacks. And if that was true then they were probably still out there looking for survivors. He corrected himself, they were definitely still out there. They hadn't destroyed the robots last night, only lost them and they would still be roaming the woods.
He was glad when they made it to the clearing safely though he didn't think the lodge would accord them with anymore safety than the trailer had. As people talked and chatted as if they were safe Fin got more and more frustrated. When a moose came into the clearing he decided it was time to say something.
<Look, not to ruin our little camp-out here but we can't just hang around outside waiting for something to spot us and blow us to little bits. If that deer was frightened enough to approach a house that smells of humans, dogs, skunks, panthers and god knows what else then I don't want us to be visible when whatever it is running from shows up. How 'bout we get into the house and down to the basement. Not that it will protect us from dracon beams but it might shield us from any other type of sensors. I'll go back for Matthias. Not to pull rank on you guys, but besides for Melanie, I've been here longer than you and know these woods better. If I have to make a quick escape I'll have the most chance of getting out alive.>>
When he was done he dropped from his branch and began winging his way back towards the trailer, hoping this would be the last time he would be making that trip.
Ray did not need told twice to go inside. He had been waiting for this all day. He walked to the door, opened it, and stepped inside holding it open for those that would follow. "You all heard the bat..." he called outside letting the others know to follow. He glanced around a little bit as he waited.
He figured that this was more roomy than the old trailer would have been, but he'd never actually been in the trailer. It was a little more classy, a little more roomy, and, well a little more him. As soon as he could get some rest, and if they didn't have more important things to do concerning a major battle with the dictators of the galaxy, he'd go buy some stuff for his room. Might as well enjoy the place if I've got no where else I can go. Hopefully Matthias and Fin would make it back in good condition and the aliens wouldn't find them. Then he could focus on buying a nice high-tech yeerk fighting computer. No, he wasn't insensitive to the war at all, it was just if he was going to survive missions, he'd rather come back to something nice than nothing at all.
Mitch had just been standing around watching everything going on. The dog said something about demorphing and it began to grow. Mitch was shocked and fascinated all at the same time as he watched it lose fur and totally change into a human. Then the guy said something but Mitch could only read the the first couple words the guysaid since he talked to fast and Mitch couldn't read lips very well.
Suddenly a bull moose walked into the clearing and the person who became a dog touched it and the moose went into a trance. Interesting. Perhaps these people are also able to control animals as a side effect of the alien technology. What other powers do these people posses? Then he watched as the goose fly away.
Then the bat reappeared and told them to go inside the house and to the basement. The guy who became a dog walked over to the door, opened it and said something that Mitch could just barely read. Following the guy's example, Mitch waked into the house and followed the guy towards the basement.
After finding the stairs down to the basement, Ray led the way down. At least there was a power pole outside...There was a switch at the top of the stairs and he flicked the lights on. Yep, smells like a basement all right. He took the stairs down and looked around through the surprising cleanliness of the basement. It wasn't clean per se, but it was well kept for a basement. All the clutter was to the walls and there was plenty of space to walk around.
Ray wondered how long it would be before he could come out and wondered if it was worth it to drag a sofa down here...He pushed some old maps out of the way on a counter, pulled himself up, and took a seat. As he sat there he thought, I wonder if the delivery guy comes out this far...
Mitch was completely focused on watching everything around him and on following the dog person into the basement. When he stepped into the basement, he immediately noticed the musty smell that was common for this kind of room. He watched as the guy sat on a counter and concluded that he should sit down as well. He walked towards the far wall and shoved a crate out of his way. He sat down cross-legged and motioned for the skunk to come to him. Then he picked the skunk up and began grooming it with a whittled brush that he had made weeks ago. Meanwhile, he leaned back and took in his surrounding while he brushed the skunk.
The only clutter was around the walls so that there was a walkspace in the middle. The floor looked like cement and the walls looked like they were made of wood. There were several boxes and crates against the wall that Mitch was leaning on and there was a variety of stuff just all along the edges.
Finally, his curiosity got the better of him so he put the skunk down and stood up. He wiped his hand over the top of a box and blew the rest of the dust away. The words on it read "Canned Food". He did the same thing to the rest of the boxes and they all said the same thing. It looks like these people were preparing for a famine.
Once Mitch was satisfied with his knowledge, he resumed his position against the wall with the skunk on his lap.
After about fifteen minutes Ray got up and paced. He was dead tired, but knew it wasn't the time to sleep and he wasn't much of a guy that sat around when he wasn't occupied with doing something. Pacing, yes, now that was what he did. Back before this all went down he would pace in his room for long periods of time. It soothed him sort of because when he was sitting around doing nothing at all he got ancy.
Looking around the room he had found a whole lot of nothing. There were boxes of food, but little else. He wondered if it was safe to have his aunt FedEx his laptop and some clothes out here. He'd have to ask. Maybe if he just had them sent to somewhere in town he'd be able to get them. Ray wasn't worried yet about Fin and Matthias, but he knew they'd make it back pretty fast as a panther and a bat. He'd give them another ten minutes. He didn't want to give it much more than what was needed because he knew that they would prioritize getting back and anything that held them up would probably be dangerous. Here or not in the next ten minutes, I'm going back up.
<<Got it, I'll get his attention.>> Lukas called. He pulled out of his flight into a dive, not an easy accomplishment for the goose body. However, it was doable, which in the end proved to be the important thing. He dropped silently, aiming squarely for the controller's head. He approached from the man's left, where he wouldn't be noticed until the last second. Moments before impact, he honked harshly.
The man's head snapped around, torn from his watch on his previous target. His eyes widened as he noticed the large waterfowl inches from his face. Fortunately, his stance suggested he'd been bracing himself for another shot, which left him vulnerable to a flank attack, which became an exploitable weakness. Lukas' chest collided with the man's nose, hard. He was thrown off balance by the blow , and landed hard upon the ground. Lukas yelled out in triumph, but his cry was short-lived. In his panic, the Controller had squueezed a couple of shots from his weapon. One of these shot off through the woods, not colliding with anything in view. The second neatly clipped off Lukas' wing.
<<Ahhh!>> Lukas screeched, as he fell to the floor in a heap. He was bleeding profusely, and he'd probably bleed to death fairly soon if he didn't demorph. However, the Controller had begun to pull himself up, looking around for his weapon, with the obvious intent of finishing off the fallen goose.
<<Mel, I may have drawn his fire...>>
It was just way too quiet. That was really all that Matthias could think about as he hovered near the trailer. They'd been getting ready to move, and for Matthias' taste it was not a moment too soon. He'd been antsy ever since he and Melanie had found Fin. The trailer didn't feel right; he had even taken to eating and sleeping outside of late.
It's empty, right? Matthias thought to himself as he landed on a tree and began to absently preen, Oh, no, wait, I gave them the day off. It's just Melanie, Fin, and those two new guys that are... Matthias' thoughts were interrupted when movement caught his hunter's eye. It's just one of the guys inside. You're letting this paranoia get to you, Matthias. Fluttering down from the tree, Matthias began to demorph, looking up into the skies to see if he could spot any of the others coming back from patrol.
Ordinarily, Matthias' speed in morphing was an asset. On this particular day, however, it nearly cost him his life. In slightly more than a minute, Matthias was walking towards the trailer. He had nearly reached the door when he felt the hairs on his back raise up in alarm. Something is very wrong here... Calling out the name of one of the members, Matthias paused with his hand on the door, suddenly hearing absolutely no movement inside, which was very odd considering that there were half a dozen people in there.
Matthias stepped back away from the door, beginning to morph again. In this world, you couldn't trust anything but your instincts. Black fur had barely sprouted from his skin when he saw it: a face in the window. It wasn't one of his members, and it was holding something in its hand. They found us! Matthias backed away from the door as the face disappeared. A moment later, Matthias felt his world collapse for the second time in his life as the trailer exploded in a ball of flame worthy of Hollywood.
Thrown clear into the woods by the blast, Matthias began morphing purely on instinct, wanting to heal any injuries he had before his body realized it had been hurt. Not knowing who was in range, Matthias just bellowed in thought-speak to each of his members in turn, <<EVERYONE INTO THE WOODS NOW!>>
The outhouse where new members were occasionally held for three days was the only safe place that every member knew about, and it was the place that they would know Matthias meant. As soon as he was fully panther, however, Matthias did not take his own advice. He waited there, hidden in the leaves, watching the wreckage. First he would have to see if the Yeerks were here, then he would look for survivors. Guilt would come later; they had to act NOW.
Why blow us up? It was the only question that Matthias' brain could handle, If they knew where we were, why didn't they just come and capture us?
Well, an explosion. Never a good sound, in Lukas' experience. Especially not when he was landing. Certainly, the sight of a goose crashing into a thorny bush might amuse some, but being that goose was markedly less pleasant. Still, Lukas knew that there were bigger issues at hand than a few pin pricks from thorns, and this thought was backed up by the subsequent bellowed order from Matthias.
<Alright, I'll meet you at the outhouse> Lukas replied, his calm thought not betraying his confusion. Whatever had happened, it was bad for them. That much was evident from Matthias' warning. Better head there quick and hope for answers.
Unfortunately, it appeared that the impact may have caused more harm than he initially thought. His left wing felt broken, and blood was trickling down his feathers. his blood. Lukas immediatly began to demorph, his growing, shifting bones mending themselves and his flesh melting together to conceal any wounds. After a few minutes, Lukas was in his own human form once more. He dragged himself from the scrub and, the instant he was free of the leafy bindings, he began to remorph, becoming a fresh canada goose once more. He angled himself in the direction of the shack, and, with a slight run, launched himself from the soily earth. As he flew, he wondered.
What could have happened? I may not have known Matthias long, but its hard to miss the urgency of his message. Undoubtedly, terrible news awaited Lukas.
Ray had been out all night and was now seriously ready for some shut eye. A good twelve hour hybernation would put things right, but only if he could manage it. He was pretty sure his faction would need him to be more productive than that. Ray had been patrolling the woods with Fin looking out for trouble all night. It was in the earlier hours in the morning after the sun had come up did he hear the faint cry of what must have been a fellow faction member. <<EVERYONE INTO THE WOODS NOW>> which had come after a very loud explosion.
He could see the smoke rising from his height, but little else. <<Hey Fin! I think we missed something....>> he yelled out to the fellow patroller. He also thought some other indecent thoughts about how he should have been able to catch that coming whatever it was. <<We've got to get back....RIGHT NOW!>>
Ray took off flying as fast as the pigeon morph could manage and dove into the cover of the woods. Once he was in close he flared his wings and hit the ground just a little carelessly. He was demorphing now and a lot slower than he could have ever asked for. He knew that the bird morph was the best option for a quick get away, but tactically another morph was more suitable he thought. He didn't know much about the situation and whatever had made that explosion had obviously brought some serious weapons to the battlefield. No, he needed something that would allow him to get more information about this situation. Besides, he thought with a grin, might run into something interesting enough to pee on...The black and brown fur began to sprout.
Lalalala, Fin sang to himself inside his head. It had been a pretty hectic night. Found a new member, got chased by hunter robots, found a new member again, escaped from hunter robots. All good things. He wanted to go back to the Hunting Lodge and chill but he knew he should probably get the new recruits to Matthias or suffer his wrath, and panthers could be surprisingly wrathy. He laughed to himself. Matthias had a snake morph and a panther morph. All he needed was a bear and he would be the entire Jungle Book all by himself.
As they flew past the lodge Fin gave it a wistful glance. He spent most of his days there, getting it ready to house an entire faction, but their official place of residence was still the trailer he had spent three days locked up in.
He let his sound sight sweep over the forest below, painting the world in silver inside his head. His powerful wings beat the cold predawn air as made his way back to the trailer. Birds soared, bats flapped, but they were infinitely more maneuverable and that had saved his life more than once tonight. It just might save his life again he thought as he heard Matthias' panicked thought speak order. Well, not panicked precisely, but definitely urgent, yes he detected a sense of urgency.
<<Hey Fin! I think we missed something...>> I think you're right he thought to himself but he didn't have time to say it because Ray hit the ground and started demorphing.
For a moment Fin thought about following his example but decided against it. <<I'll fly ahead, scout it out, and let you know what you're in for. I hope that dog of yours is as powerful as you say, he might be needed. Or she,>> he added as an afterthought, <<your morph could always be female. Hmmm, that would be interesting. I wonder if I'm female, what's the difference in bats?>> He continued the conversation in his head. I mean, how come they never teach you anything useful in school like how to tell a male bat from a female bat. That could turn out to be vital information one day, like today, and we don't know it. A shame.
He seemingly hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings but as he came up to the clearing where the trailer was located he flipped easily and dug his talons into a branch. He looked out over the mess that was the remains of the trailer. Well this isn't good. He concentrated on staying completely still and pretended to be an icicle. The only part of him that moved was his mouth as he let his sound sight sweep the air around him. When he thought it was safe he let go of the branch, dropped down, and snapped his wings open, catching enough air to glide back the way he came.
<<Ray and Lukas if you're in range, trouble. I'm pretty sure the entire trailer just got blown up. The trailer was our headquaters but I guess you'll never get the grand tour now. We have to find Matthias. Shouldn't be hard. Look for the big, mean, pissed off panther.>> He started to follow his own advice and began searching the area. <<Or a snake,>> he added on second thought. <<He could always be a snake.>>
Yes, at last! Ray was fully dog now. The ears heard it all. Plain and simple. The fiery burning a hard thing to miss with such sensitive ears. It was diffidently out of place and the smell reinforced it tenfold. Even being this far into the woods it was surprising how much better the these two senses ever were to anything Ray had been used to as a human. He took off after hearing Fin's message about the pissed off panther. It wouldn't be too hard finding anything that was pissed off seeing as everything else was probably scared senseless. The dog? The odd smells and sounds kept it alert which was a good thing because Ray needed his mind to be working on some sort of tactical plan...Finding Matthias would be a good start, but where to go from there? He knew he wasn't the leader by a long shot...hell, he hadn't even been given a chance to accept the role of a peon much less work his way up, but he was sure Matthias could use some ideas. <<I hear you loud and clear Fin. You must be around here somewhere. We need to designate a meeting spot is what we need to do...>> Ray said in private thought speak. The last thing they needed was last minute battle plans being sent straight to the enemy.
Running through the Forrest was pretty simple for the dog. He wished he could be more in-tune with the woods, but he knew it would take a wolf morph to do that. The dog, all 130 pounds of him, was surprisingly quite nimble when it came to avoiding trees and leaping over logs. Ok Ray thought, Right now we're supposed to run around in circles finding things that don't belong, the whole woods is possibly surrounded with all kinds of who-knows-what aliens ready to feast on dog like starving Asians on a chow hound, and I've not even met the ringleader yet! He debated on howling until someone came to him and then having it out, but decided against it. This morph could probably take on one target and even that would be a coin flip providing it wasn't hork bajir or taxxon. Human? Whole other story. But then again they probably had dracon beams....
With all this incessant rambling going on Ray didn't even notice he'd almost walked out of the woods toward the trailer and quickly jumped back. He turned around knowing that the trailer had no tactical use anymore other than a beacon and most likely a trap. He set off now to go find the most unlikely character in the woods...and no it wasn't the Deku tree.
What the hell does he think he's doing? Matthias had been watching Ray from the trees for the last few moments, his panther morph perfectly still as he listened and scanned for signs of life. There were none. No Controllers coming forth from the wreckage, no sounds of vehicles approaching from the distance...and no friendly survivors. Ray was lumbering around in his dog morph; strong, yes, but a moving target as far as the hunter in Matthias was concerned.
Matthias was about to yell out at Ray in thought-speak when it hit him. Ray and Lukas were new; it was possible he didn't know about the damned outhouse yet. <<Ray, get out of here. There's nothing we can do. If anyone's still alive, they'll meet us at the outhouse about half a kilometre into the woods. No point in staying around here. No rescue is coming.>> Matthias thought-speak voice sounded hollow. <<Fin! Melanie! Where are you two?>> Matthias had seen Ray now and heard from Lukas, but Fin and Melanie had been radio-silent, so to speak.
We just lost more than half the faction in one blow and all we have are questions. You win this one, Yeerks. But we're not through yet. With his mind sedated for the moment, Matthias got down to business, <<Everyone. Outhouse. Now. Do not, I repeat, do NOT go anywhere near the trailer. It's gone. There's nothing left, nothing we can do. You just endanger yourself and the rest of us by investigating. We'll go back when things have cooled down, but we need to regroup. Remember...>> He sighed, <<This is war.>>
<<Outhouse. Got it.>> Ray replied to the eerie hollow voice that he just knew belonged to Matthias. Ray had not yet seen Matthias, but that didn't matter at the moment. What did was following the battle plan. Ray took off toward the direction of the outhouse now wondering just how many of them were left here in Vancouver. Sure, he knew that they were small in numbers, but so far he'd only heard of four names that he would be working with.
The dog's big coat mixed well with this cold Canadian weather and the dog didn't seem to tire very easily, but he knew that once he was demorphed he may not even have the strength to remorph. He was just that tired. Flying from halfway across the country on a nonstop flight, running from aliens on midnight patrol, then this had really taken its toll. It was all crazy sure, but Ray hadn't had the hardest time believing it. Why be so determined to all of this off? It would do absolutely no help at all when the truth was right in front of you or you were a part of it.
Fin was hanging from a branch and keeping an eye on the panther below him. The black fur coat wasn't the best camouflage in this environment, especially not during the day, but Matthias was crouching completely still and it was hard to see something that wasn't moving. Of course none of that mattered to his sonar which had found him easily enough. He wondered if Matthias could hear him. Humans wouldn't be able to but what about panthers? He was pondering this question when he got his answer. <<Fin! Melanie! Where are you two?>> He would have answered but then Matthias went into order giving mode so Fin held his peace until he ordered everyone to the outhouse.
Outhouse? I know where that is. <<Hey! I know where the outhouse is!>> He shouted like a little kid in a classroom who knew the right answer, though he kept the thoughtspeak private so that only Ray, Lukas, and Matthias would hear.
He dropped from his branch, he loved doing that, and flew towards the last place he'd seen Ray. <<Follow me,>> he said to Ray, dipping low enough so that he was in the dog's line of vision and then staying that low. Flying that low was dangerous but also exhilarating in the challenges it presented.
<<Oh, Matthias, I'm with Ray.>> Fin added as an afterthought though the notification was now unnecessary.
<I have no idea> Mel had replied privately. <And I don't like it> She had intended to demorph and wait nervously for whatever yelling at she was going to get. But the deer was on full alert. <<I don't like these smells...but I can't place why>> she said. Then,when Matthias yelled, she ran. The blast sent her rolling, tumbling...
Slowly, she climbed to her feet, disoriented and with a painful right hind leg. One antler was missing and there was blood on her head from it.
<<I'm here>> she called privately to the other faction members,not wanting anyone else in the area to hear as she limped toward the outhouse. <<I think I broke a leg...and I look like that deer from Open Season with the one antler thing...but I'm alive>>
Ray ran as fast as he could without passing Fin up. It was a little challenging trying to watch a bat while running through a dense woods, all the while trying not to pass it up for fear that something was behind you. The outhouse. he thought. What a glamorous place for such a glamorous job! The grim sarcasm keeping his mind off of the fact he could be killed any second now. It was a good thing too because if panic set in....No it wouldn't because he was the master at thinking of dumb things like this to keep his mind off of it. He had thought he heard another voice enter his head, but was too preoccupied with the current task at hand to comprehend it.
Ray was tired of this running away from unknown things. His humorous side kicked in full force simply because there was nothing else left to do. He was tired of just up and running when every little thing happened. He wanted to know what he was up against. He wanted to know how badly the odds were stacked against him. He wanted backed into a corner. Hell, he would even settle for a cheap shot so long it was some form of retaliation. Maybe not today, but sometime there would be vengeance. He didn't know what it was about the cold feelings he had felt since the beginning of this whole thing. He did know one thing though: once they were expressed in a manner of his choice it would be the other way around. They would not only have the hope, but the power to grant mercy...or deny it.
Matthias was moving slowly toward the outhouse when he got word from Fin and Melanie at last. <<Melanie, demorph, remorph, and get your butt to the outhouse. The rest of us will be there already. Stay hidden.>> Matthias was in damage-control mode now. Half of his faction was dead, and he needed to make sure the other half didn't fall to pieces on him.
<<Everyone. When you get to the outhouse, demorph. We've got a long trip ahead of us and I want everyone to have the full two hours to make it. No one is becoming a nothlit because they lost track of time.>>
Matthias was already demorphing as he saw the outhouse come into sight, and was fully human by the time he approached it. They were as safe as they were going to get. It was time to talk.
Waiting until everyone was present and human before he began, Matthias took a deep breath. "Alright, look. I'm no good at sympathy speeches or anything like that. We lost half our faction today. I don't know how they found us, and I don't know why they blew us up rather than try and take us alive. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we're shaken, but we're still here, and we have to keep it together."
He turned to Fin, "We're going to travel in pairs to the lodge where Melanie first ran into Fin. Ray, you go with Fin, but for God's sake, stay out of sight. It's forest pretty much the whole way, so you should be alright. Keep away from the open sky when possible if you're flying."
"Melanie, you take Lukas, if you remember the way there. I'll meet you all at the cabin. I'm going to stay here for a while, wait for things to cool down. There are two invaluable items in that trailer that I hope survived. We'll see."
"When you are all there, designate someone, I don't care who, to come back quietly in case I need help. The rest of you can finish shaping up the place for us to live in. That's our new headquarters. We can mourn then."
He sighed, and smiled weakly, "Okay, I'm done rambling. Anyone have something to say?"
No, Ray didn't have anything at all to say.There was absolutely nothing he could say that would help this situation in any way shape or form. Ah the perks of being the new guy. Get to sit around and have no clue what's normal and what's not. He was sure that losing faction members like this wasn't normal at all, but he couldn't help but think that it probably wasn't an entirely new concept to them either. Tactically or otherwise, Ray was out of things to say so instead he concentrated on demorphing. He was extremely slow this time not really in any immediate danger and really having no reason to push it to the limits. He paused for a minute or so in human morph looking completely out of place in this woods and feeling as much in regard to the team. He never really was a person that particularly enjoyed teams, not that he had even fully met this one yet.
All through school the teacher usually had to tell him which group to join even if she let them pick their own teams.He knew though that this was a different sort of team though, one that depended on him surviving and him depending on it. He hated the dependence to something feeling as though it were the biggest liability he owned, and yet, the only reason he was alive. He knew he now had people to fall back on, but that didn't necessarily mean he wanted to. The whole prospect of someone giving their life for his was one that was foreign to him and also completely unnecessary. He didn't like the fact that someone would do that because if he was a fool enough to put himself in a predicament that didn't mean someone else should die because of his mistake. Thats just not the way it was supposed to work. If he was going to die he was going to die.
He finally gathered enough strength to start the remorph and this turned out to go even slower than the demorph. He finally got it completed and was now waiting on Fin to collect himself, not for the guidance, but for the extra set of eyes. He was fairly sure he still knew where the lodge was, but there was a tactical advantage to having two of them out in case they needed to run from something.
Fin quickly demorphed and remorphed back to his bat. He had a kit fox morph but he figured it was better to have a pair of eyes (and ears) in the sky and a some legs on the ground, than to have just one or the other.
When he was ready he began flapping off in a direction that wouldn't lead them directly back to the Hunting Lodge. If anything was following them then he wanted some time to figure it out before it tracked them back to their new home.
A couple of minutes out he spotted a controller making it's way through the woods back toward the outhouse. It was a young boy with a spear but that didn't mean anything in a world where the enemy was hidden inside your skull.
He called down to Ray. <<What should we do? Head back to the outhouse and warn Matthias or keep going and let him fend for himself?>>
Lukas shook his head solemnly as Matthias spoke. He hadn't known his now-deceased teammates well, and though he was certainly very sorry about thier demise, he couldn't thing of anything fitting to say on their behalf. Instead, he listened quietly, focusing on the perilous task ahead. As Matthias finished talking, Lukas nodded and turned to face the window, grimacing as he felt his bones hollow and reshape for the morph into goose form once again. As his body twisted and moulded itself, he felt his heart race, and he vowed within once again to make the yeerks pay for their transgressions.
Finally, the changes completed, and the large bird flapped his wings and launched himself onto the windowsill , before turning this head to look back into the room.
<<Good luck everyone>> He said, hoping that there'd be a full compliment of animorphs when they regrouped. Then, fixing his glassy avian eyes upon Melanie, he said <<Well, shall we tango?>>
<All right> Melanie obeyed, hiding, demorphing and then remorphing. When she got to the outhouse and demoprhed, she listened to Matthias closely.
"If it's okay, I'm going airborne as well." she said. "It may be a cockatoo but it's a lot easier morph to hide than the deer." Plus she felt safer in the air,able to fly like crazy for cover if trouble came than on the ground. She focused on the bird morph, still not totally used to the shrinking and assorted changes that took place as she went from human to pscittacine.(sp?) Her arms got broad and flat and her feathers came in. Her legs got scaly and her heels split to form the rear facing parrot toes while her real toes melted together to form the front. Her lips and nose pushed out and hardened as her teeth disappeared to form the beak. But she loved the wings, and the fact that the bird had some natural intelligence, unlike the mostly instinct driven deer.
<<Sure.>> she replied privately to Lukas after she finished her morph and took off after him. <Boy, are we an odd couple. Goose and cockatoo. I know the deer would have fit into the landscape better but this way I can stay out of sight easier and you'll have an easier time keeping me *in* sight. I just hope this bird isn't the type to tire too quickly. Just be careful you don't pass me up since your wings are so much bigger than mine. Sorry, I'm rambling again..bad habit.>> she made the morph sigh as much as a bird could.
Melanie recalled Matthias' words about things that were necessary. *like the morph store...that had better have survived or we're all in trouble* she thought.
Ray took off after Fin as soon as he had morphed. After about 5 minutes or so Fin had already spotted trouble. Ray had thought he had picked up an odd scent and Fin was quick to verify the extra presence. <<What should we do? Head back to the outhouse and warn Matthias or keep going and let him fend for himself?>> Fin asked. Ray thought for a second thinking that this guy was probably tracking them somehow. He needed disposed before they could go any further to their future home. << Both>> Ray came back coolly. <<You go warn Matthias....and I'll bring em back to fend for himself. If there's more then we're already had, but I don't think so. Either way we've got the element of surprise and little else so we might as well use it. I've got the more obvious morph so he shouldn't notice you disappearing. Me on the other hand...>> Ray barked and ran towards him showing himself. He knew the guy was already onto them, but he was singling himself out. He turned to his left and started off at a brisk pace. <<Don't worry I'll give you guys a few minutes. If theres any backup be ready to split.>>
Fin turned in the air and began flapping his way back to Matthias but they were already near the outhouse and it wouldn't take him that long. <<Good luck,>> he called back to Ray.
As he came once again into the clearing he landed on the outside of the outhouse and directed his thought speak in, <<Matthias, we got an unknown human out there and headed this way.>>
Mitch and his skunk had been looking for food of any sort to replenish their food supply. So far, they had half way filled their bag up with various sorts of nuts, berries, leaves, roots, eggs and several other things. Suddenly, he saw a bat flying away and he thought, what is a spectral bat doing this far north? He knew it was a spectral bat from reading all kinds of encyclopedias and field guides on animals. But why was it flying this far north in the daytime? Suddenly, he watched his skunk lift his hindlegs up and curl his tail over his eyes. Mitch knew what that meant. That meant that there was an enemy nearby so he raised his spear and poised it for action.
Suddenly a dog walked out of the bushes in front of him. It looked at him and began walking away. Mitch decided to follow it, as it might lead him to prey or another source of food. Besides, I can always kill it later. He then focused on watching everything that was going to happen.
Ray glanced behind him to make sure that this guy was following and surely enough he was. After leading him in a rather big circle Ray headed back to the outhouse. What was odd about the whole thing is that there was a skunk following them as well. <<Skunk, are you with us?>>Ray asked of it first thinking that it was someone he hadn't met yet from the faction. After nothing but a startled momentary pause by the skunk he figured either it didn't want to cooperate or there really was a just a natural inhabitant of the woods wanting to know what the hell is going on around here these days.
After giving it an extra couple of minutes he neared the outhouse and called in advance <<Special delivery for Matthias>> he called in private thought speak. <<One outnumbered threat with all the fixings.>>
Mitch kept following the dog through the woods. It seemed to have a purpose as it never got sidetracked and it never stopped. Maybe the dog has something to do with the bat I saw earlier. But where is the dog leading me? Suddenly, Mitch noticed the skunk suddenly jump back. That's odd, skunks never do that. They always threaten to spray and they never show fear or run away.
Mitch decided to keep following the dog, although he was getting hungry but not ready yet to kill the dog. Then he looked up ahead of the dog and saw a clearing. After walking a couple more steps, he saw the edge of a building or something. But what would a building be doing out here? Sensing a trap, Mitch held his spear out and stepped off the dogs path and made his own way towards the clearing. Of course, the skunk followed.
Matthias began morphing as fast as he could when he got Fin and Ray's warning. As soon as he had the panther's senses, he had a lock on the boy. <<Pet skunk?>> He asked Ray, <<Or is that a morpher?>> Matthias was constantly aware of the idea that it was possible for the Yeerks to have gotten their hands on a morphing cube. If that happened, their one advantage was gone.
<<If he thinks he's going to take on anything in these woods with a spear, he's mistaken.>> Not knowing whether this boy was hostile or not didn't put Matthias in a better mood. Now they had to deal with him as well. <<Stand by, guys. If I take him alive, you two get to escort him, and the skunk, to our new hideout. I don't like leaving the Escafil Device behind any longer than I have to.>>
Matthias waited behind the outhouse until he could smell that the intruder was more than close enough. Days like this, he loved being a cat. In a single bound he was atop the small building and a moment later he was atop of the boy. The spear had worried him for a second, but Mitch had held it too low to deal with a threat dropping from above. <<Somehow I don't think this one's Yeerk.>> Matthias added to Fin and Ray. <<Controllers don't carry spears.>>
Mitch walked into the clearing, still keeping an eye on the skunk. He walked over to the small wooden building. Bad mistake. To compensate for his lack of hearing, his sense of smell was better than most other people's. Mitch's nose was plagued by the noxious fumes and immediately backpedaled several feet. When he was clear of most of the stench, he turned around just in time to see the skunk get in its threatening position. Before Mitch could think, a massive weight landed on his back, and smashed him into the ground. With his one non-swollen eye, Mitch saw a black paw beside his head. A black panther! Those are dangerous! Then he came to his senses and thought, What is a black panther doing in Canada? I doubt there are any zoos nearby. What does a spectral bat, a black panther, and a really smart dog have in common?
Suddenly, a wave of overwhelming stench washed over him. It was ten times worse than the shack. The skunk! Taking advantage of his situation, he gritted his teeth and reached for his spear which had fallen out of his hand. He grabbed the part right under the blade, reached back and plunged the tip into the panther's side. He pulled it out and plunged it in again and again until the shaft broke off. Then he put his hands underneath him and attempted to push the panther off of him. Then the skunk obviously sprayed the panther again as the stench rolled over himself and the big cat.
<< Fin! I don't know how well you can manage it, but try getting that skunk the heck outta here!>> Ray shouted to Fin in private thought speak << I know I could, but that horrid stench! Try not to hurt it because it may be a morpher.>> His dog nose couldn't take it as he involuntarily backed away after trying to aid Matthias. He glanced around for any sign of an ambush, but nothing was coming. The boy was alone, yeerk or not. <<Matthias, if it is a yeerk he already knows who we are! I'm suggesting we talk to him if not for anything else it should add to our surprise element and maybe calm him.>> he said in private outspoke to Matthias. <<Fin, if you can separate the skunk from the boy then he's out of weapons and we'll have him!>>
Ray crouched ready to strike. The dog mind was wanting to bark so badly and Ray knew that if he did it may alert more unwanted guests so he did his best to keep it muffled to a low growl. Boy, I hope we've got some vacancies in the new pad...
Fin looked at the full grown skunk with distaste. His sensitve sense of smell was not helping in this situation and besides, it was a full grown skunk. A baby skunk, no problem, a rat, a squirrel, a mouse, a bird, a bat, all these things could be his prey. But a full grown squirrel. But that is what he must do, even if he smelled for a week after. Would morphing get rid of the smell?
He dove for the skunk and had to break off his attack as it turned and hissed at him. He turned and tried again. This time he got through the skunk's guard and was able to sink his claws deep into the animal's shoulders. His momentum was enough to get them off the ground though he could carry it. But that hadn't been his plan.
He aimed toward a tree and as they got close, let it go so that it flew headfirst into the tree trunk. He circled back around and noted that it wasn't dead, just stunned. It looked dead though, and smelled worse than dead.
<<I don't think I'll get a skunk morph. They stink.>> As he turned back he could see that Matthias he suffered some injury from the spear. It it had been a human with a spear, against a panther there would have been no contest but because Matthias had tackled the boy he had been able to use his spear, and the fact that Matthias didn't want to kill him, to his advantage.
<<I would quit with the spear kid, before Bagheera decides you're not worth keeping alive,>> Fin said, directing his thought speak to the young man.
Mitch abruptly failed at dislodging the panther. Then he watched as the bat came back and carried off the skunk. After alot of flapping, the bat threw the skunk into a tree. The skunk was still alive but it was out of the fight.
Then something strange happened. Something in his mind went, <<I would quit with the spear kid, before Bagheera decides you're not worth keeping alive,>> Where did that thought come from, Mitch thought. Am I crazy? Why would I be thinking of Baghera from The Jungle Book? Suddenly, Mitch thought, perhaps the panther is Baghera. Mitch looked around and saw the bat staring at him. Perhaps the bat was telepathic. That could explain how he heard something, for the first time in his life. He stopped struggling and waited for more directions.
<<Ow.>> Matthias muttered in public thought-speak. Mitch's strikes had been poorly aimed and weak, but they had hurt, and Matthias was losing more blood than he liked. Not to mention the repulsive smell that he had to deal with now. <<Kid, listen to the bat. You're a little boy with a spear. Do you really think a full grown panther couldn't have just taken your head off?>>
<<Right, I need to get out of here and demorph before I bleed too much and pass out.>> Now his thoughts were only directed at Ray and Fin, <<I'll leave it to you two. He can keep the skunk if he must, and try and do something about the smell, otherwise we'll do a tomato juice raid tomorrow. Get this kid out of here, find out what his name is, and give him the lowdown. Tell him everything he needs to know. I'll catch up with you when I've taken stock of what's up with the trailer.>>
<<Listen to the dog, kid.>> Matthias got off of Mitch, staggering a little, and began to pad off into the woods, <<And don't worry, you're not crazy. Well, no crazier than the rest of us.>>
Ray thought that the urge to bark was bad! Ha! It was hundreds and hundreds of times harder not to go off and tell this kid he was an animal god and these were his underlings sent from the heavens because the Apocalypse was upon them...Which it kind of was, but he wasn't the dictator of it. And the ones that were behind it certainly weren't gods.
<< I'd just love to tell you that I'm in the same predicament Eddie Mcdowd was in and I've just got to do good deeds to become human again, but its much less simple than that...>> Ray started out trying not to be as harsh as the reality that he was explaining really was. <<I don't need to do that because I can become human whenever I please...Actually it's my true form. I morph. I can morph into anything I want so long as I've got it's DNA in me. Whoopee! Technological breakthrough extravaganza huh? We'll turns out we actually just use it as a weapon. Trust me theres nothing I'd rather do than go on a nonstop morphing spree, but we've got a world to save. By the looks of things you probably haven't been in town lately, but its filled with yeerks and controllers. Yeerks infest your brain and take over control of you which makes you a controller. It's hard to know who they are because they blend in just like we do. We can explain it in detail later, but until we get to where we need to go I need you to think something over: "Do I want to be a mindless slave or one bad mother morpher?">>
With the voice in his head, Mitch was sure he was going crazy. Then he heard a differnent tone in his head, telling him what to do. Then he felt the panther get off his back. Maybe the panther is the voice I heard last. As Mitch stood up, he realized that his left leg was hurt. He managged to stand up completely and used the shaft of the broken spear to balance himself.
Then he listened with his mind to a third voice in his head telling him about becoming animals, mind controlling creatures, and the fact that these telepathic animals are human. Mitch tried asking them through sign language how they changed into animals but they didn't seem to be able to understand so Mitch grabbed the pencil and pad of paper from his bacck pocket, wrote it out, and held it up so the animals could read it.
Ray had seen the guy make gestures with his hands which looked foreign yet there was something familiar to it. It took him a few moments, but once he saw him pull out paper and start writing he knew that the guy was deaf. Ray didn't know much sign language, only a thing here or there and a few other choice things...<<We can morph because a more peaceful alien species sent it to us a long time ago. It was their way of saying "Sorry we couldn't make the party, but here's this anyway.">> Ray explained <<The morphing cube will grant anyone whom it comes into contact with, the power to morph into anything they acquire afterwords which consists of physical contact. We need to get to this hideout we got first though so lets make tracks. Just follow me and our buddy Fin will watch from the skies.>> Ray turned in the direction of the lodge and waited until the others were ready. He was ready to get anywhere that consisted of four walls.
Mitch decide that the dog was the last voice since it told him to follow him and then the dog left. And the dog 'said' that a person named Fin would be flying so that must be the bat. Left with no other choice really, Mitch decided to trust the voices so he walked to a tree, picked the skunk up, and then limped after the dog. Besides the panther might return at any moment.
They passed all different kinds of plants and burrows, and Mitch kept swiping handlfulls of berries and things and stuffing them into the sack. After several minutes of traveling, Mitch wrote on his pad, Would it be possible for me to be able to change into animals? He ran up to the dog, poked the dog's shoulder, and held the pad in front of its face.
Lukas smiled mentally as Melanie went off on her tirade, and as she finished he nodded and took flight from his perch. He flapped hard to increase his altitude, and had soon cleared the treetops, allowing the goose mind to manipulate its tireless flight. He flew on, listening carefully to any directions passed on from Mel, and after a brief flight north, he spotted a wooden structure. Doubtless it was the lodge to which they had been sent, and without waiting for any confirmation from his partner he swiftly descended towards it, landing roughly upon the roof. Looking around, he saw no trace of the others, which troubled him. They might not necessarily have travelled as quickly as he had, but certainly some trace of them should have beeen evident by now. However, he could presently see nothing.
<<Where are they? They should be at least close by now.>> He whispered to Melanie. Then, curiosity overcoming him, Lukas directed his thoughts to the others, thoughtspeak uninhibited by the trees which hindered his vision. <<Are you guys alright? Need any help? I can't see you yet.>>
Fat load of good he could do, he thought bitterly. Geese were fairly large and aggressive, but no match for a human-controller. And as for the raccoon, well, his best hope was to first contract rabies, and that wasn't much of a bright choice. He just hoped his companions could hear him.
Ray paused after noticing that the guy had written something else for him to read. The dog eyes weren't the best and it took him a second, but he finally got it. <<Ha ha, aside from invading aliens, assured gloom and doom, and being part of the few surviving free people left, then yeah. I believe that Matthias would have the morphing cube. He's the panther. Me, the panther, the bat, and anyone else you may meet at this lodge should be considered friends. Anyone else could potentially be deadly. Trust no one else...Hell, be weary of us even if it makes you feel any better...I'm weary of everyone from time to time, but that's just me. We need all the people we can get, so don't worry about being left out of the little circus act we got goin' here.>>
After a few more miles they finally were close to the lodge to which Fin, the boy, and he were the last ones aside from Matthias. Melanie, and Lukas were already there apparently because he had just heard Lukas send out a call. Ray answered <<Yeah, we're right here>> Ray replied as he stepped out of the brush into the clearing that was the lodge. <<We picked up some help along the way...We're all fine now though.>> He announced. <<Before we get started with proper introductions I'd like to call 1, 2, 3 NOT it on being the one who goes back for Matthias.>>
Mitch had listened to the dog who seemed to make sense. Then they continued walking along in silence when a forth voice appeared in his head asking where everybody was. The dog answered and a minute or so later, they were in a clearing with a log cabin. Mitch looked up and saw a Canadian goose on the roof of the house. That must be the fourth person. Then the skunk started moving in his arms so Mitch put it down on the ground.
Then the dog "said" something about going to get a Matthias person. Perhaps that is another one of these people? These were strange people. Even after the dog telling him that they were people, Mitch still had a hard time of thinking of them as anything else besides telepathic animals. He took out the paper and pencil again and wrote, How do you talk with your thoughts like that? And how can I hear them?. Then he did as before and held it up in front of the dog.
Ray turned to Mitch as he noticed that he had written again. <<We use thought speak to communicate. I cannot use the dog's means of communicating to form a sentence>> he explained. <<This thought speak is embedded into the technology that allows us to morph. I can use my thought speak to communicate directly to you or I can announce it publicly for everyone to hear. Right now I'm using private. Another thing about morphing is that we can be in morph for up to two hours. After that we are trapped in the current morph forever. Morphing drains energy from you and makes you tired and it also takes some time to complete with two or three minutes being the norm.>>
Ray sat down and started scratching behind his ear then proceeded to lie down. The idleness was killing him, as was the fact he hadn't had a good rest or sleep in what seemed like forever. He lowered his head on his paws and glanced around at the people whom he would probably die standing beside...
Mitch understood what the dog said, although it was a little far-fetched. He still had several questions like if there were others like them, what kinds of animals can they become, how many they can become and on and on. But Mitch decied to just ask one. He wrote on another piece of papar, Can you communicate with your mind when you are human? While he waited, Mitch began to feel uncomfortable just standing around with a lot of telepathic humans slash animals.
Meanwhile, the skunk was walking around the area sniffing things and digging in the ground. The skunk had forgotten about the dog so when it wlked over to Mitch and dropped a dead grasshopper at his feet, the skunk automatically flipped its tail over its head and sprayed the dog. Immediate;y Steve wrote, I am so sorry about that! I'm sure the skunk didn't mean anything.
Ray had been lost in thought...So many things to think about that his mind seemed to be on autopilot as he lied there in the soft grass letting everything around him naturally go about its business. He saw more written material. <<Ah, no you cannot. I can't read your human thoughts no matter how hard you try to communicate with them.>> he replied. The dog mind was content and the human mind, well it was too tired to care about much at all. He had another hour before he had to be back to human anyway and since he called not it on going back to get Matthias he would probably lounge lazily guarding camp. He...<<AH!!!>> all of the sudden Ray had gotten a terrible stench and jumped up and involuntarily let out a bark. This menace would have to go! It's encroaching upon HIS territory it.... He noticed the boy with the paper again and he remembered that he was human not dog. <<Ah well, its the nature of the beast...which can take over from time to time when you are in morph...You've got to deal with the animals wants, needs, fears, and abilities.>> He said more amused than angered now. Ray had always liked animals and found the skunk to be a funny character despite the horrid stench. He backed away and went to lay underneath a rather large shade tree that was close to the lodge, but far enough away to see that he would not scare the skunk.
Lukas had been watching quietly, asking his own questions in silence. What would become of them? Who was this new person? Who or what caused that explosion. It was a surprise when Mel's voice rang through his brain. He'd heard her say something earlier, but it hadn't been clear. However, looking around he spotted what he'd previously just assumed: Mel wasn't actually with him. Instead, she appeared to be out of sight, and she'd smelled something unusual. Lukas assumed it was just this newcomer that'd been detected, but he thought better to go and make sure.
<<It seems Mel fell behind...>> Lukas admitted, somewhat sheepishly. <<I'll fly back to her and see what's wrong, she said she smells something amiss. It may just be this guy and his foul-smelling kitty-cat here, but I'm just going to check. I'll be right back.>>
Without waiting for acknowledgement or agreement, Lukas raised his wings and launched into the air once more, this time searching for Melanie.
He had a good idea where she was though.
Ray listened to Lukas speak and when he flew off Ray wasn't planning to follow unless of course trouble arose. He figured that Lukas would probably go back for Matthias while he was out so he could multitask. He had about a half hour left so he decided it was best to demorph. <<I'm going to demorph now Mitch. I may appear quite odd for a couple minutes or so.>> Ray took a couple minutes to demorph and once he was done. He looked at the shocked look on Mitch's face and to it he replied "It's cool I'm fully human now."
He was looking around now with all the colors he didn't have as a dog and was enjoying the scenery when he thought he saw something move out in the brush. It didn't take him long to identify it as a Moose. The moose had a full set of antlers and was very large. He knew moose were very common in Canada and wasn't at all surprised to see it. He knew you were supposed to mind your own business and they'd mind their's. He had read about this when he picked up a traveler's guide just outside of Vancouver at a rest stop where he had demorphed. He also knew that they could run up to 35 miles per hour and were excellent at kicking with the front legs as well as the back. The antlers would definitely hurt and maybe even impale someone...A very suitable battle morph he thought. He walked over to it cautiously reaching out a hand for the moose's tough hide...
Melanie moved through the trees, enjoying the flying, but soon realizing it wasn't as good an idea as it had originally seemed. Lukas' wings were much bigger than hers and she couldn't go fast enough to keep in front of him, while he couldn't slow enough to stay behind her.
<<I'm going to find a place and go deer'll be easier.>> she said privately, in case they were being watched. She looked around carefully, and not seeing anyone, found a place well hidden enough to land, demorph and remorph to deer.
A bit later, as they were nearing the lodge though not in sight of it yet, Mel caught a scent. <<I think we have company.>> she called up privately. <<Just one I think, from the scent. Let's try and see if it's a Yeerk or not...if it is, I should be able to handle it if you can draw his attention away from me.>>
Lukas tore through the air on his powerful wings, scanning the forest below for Melanie, or any of her morphs. He just hoped she wasn't in Fly form - a bird he may be, but he was no raptor. Sure enough, he soon saw a deer, and thought he'd try his luck, hoping it was his partner.
<<Mel, what exactly is it you smell? The lodge is close, and others are there already. Ray seems to have found some new guy with a skunk, who he says is clean. It may be that you smell just that guy. If not, then we'd still better power on, safety in numbers and all that. I'll cover you if there is danger, I've yet to get my beak dirty.>>
Lukas circled overhead, not an easy feat in his long-distance geared form, but a task he managed to accomplish as he awaited a reply from Melanie.
<<Ew, that's one morph I'd hate to be on the wrong end of>> Melanie replied. <<No, this one's least as far as I can tell from what I smelled in this morph before.>> She finally spotted the blurry form up ahead, unable to make out sharp details with deer eyes but thinking he looked like a hunter type. Except normal hunters don't carry dracon guns.
<<Man, these controllers are EVERYWHERE>> Melanie complained as she heard a shot, still keeping it private as she dodged behind a tree. <<Draw his fire, if you can get that thing pointed away from me, I can take him out. These antlers can kill if I do it right. I saw it on TV.>>
Fin had scouted for the party as it made its way through the woods. He honestly suspected to see anything in these woods after the past few hours. He wondered if the presence of the hunter robots had been linked with these attacks. And if that was true then they were probably still out there looking for survivors. He corrected himself, they were definitely still out there. They hadn't destroyed the robots last night, only lost them and they would still be roaming the woods.
He was glad when they made it to the clearing safely though he didn't think the lodge would accord them with anymore safety than the trailer had. As people talked and chatted as if they were safe Fin got more and more frustrated. When a moose came into the clearing he decided it was time to say something.
<Look, not to ruin our little camp-out here but we can't just hang around outside waiting for something to spot us and blow us to little bits. If that deer was frightened enough to approach a house that smells of humans, dogs, skunks, panthers and god knows what else then I don't want us to be visible when whatever it is running from shows up. How 'bout we get into the house and down to the basement. Not that it will protect us from dracon beams but it might shield us from any other type of sensors. I'll go back for Matthias. Not to pull rank on you guys, but besides for Melanie, I've been here longer than you and know these woods better. If I have to make a quick escape I'll have the most chance of getting out alive.>>
When he was done he dropped from his branch and began winging his way back towards the trailer, hoping this would be the last time he would be making that trip.
Ray did not need told twice to go inside. He had been waiting for this all day. He walked to the door, opened it, and stepped inside holding it open for those that would follow. "You all heard the bat..." he called outside letting the others know to follow. He glanced around a little bit as he waited.
He figured that this was more roomy than the old trailer would have been, but he'd never actually been in the trailer. It was a little more classy, a little more roomy, and, well a little more him. As soon as he could get some rest, and if they didn't have more important things to do concerning a major battle with the dictators of the galaxy, he'd go buy some stuff for his room. Might as well enjoy the place if I've got no where else I can go. Hopefully Matthias and Fin would make it back in good condition and the aliens wouldn't find them. Then he could focus on buying a nice high-tech yeerk fighting computer. No, he wasn't insensitive to the war at all, it was just if he was going to survive missions, he'd rather come back to something nice than nothing at all.
Mitch had just been standing around watching everything going on. The dog said something about demorphing and it began to grow. Mitch was shocked and fascinated all at the same time as he watched it lose fur and totally change into a human. Then the guy said something but Mitch could only read the the first couple words the guysaid since he talked to fast and Mitch couldn't read lips very well.
Suddenly a bull moose walked into the clearing and the person who became a dog touched it and the moose went into a trance. Interesting. Perhaps these people are also able to control animals as a side effect of the alien technology. What other powers do these people posses? Then he watched as the goose fly away.
Then the bat reappeared and told them to go inside the house and to the basement. The guy who became a dog walked over to the door, opened it and said something that Mitch could just barely read. Following the guy's example, Mitch waked into the house and followed the guy towards the basement.
After finding the stairs down to the basement, Ray led the way down. At least there was a power pole outside...There was a switch at the top of the stairs and he flicked the lights on. Yep, smells like a basement all right. He took the stairs down and looked around through the surprising cleanliness of the basement. It wasn't clean per se, but it was well kept for a basement. All the clutter was to the walls and there was plenty of space to walk around.
Ray wondered how long it would be before he could come out and wondered if it was worth it to drag a sofa down here...He pushed some old maps out of the way on a counter, pulled himself up, and took a seat. As he sat there he thought, I wonder if the delivery guy comes out this far...
Mitch was completely focused on watching everything around him and on following the dog person into the basement. When he stepped into the basement, he immediately noticed the musty smell that was common for this kind of room. He watched as the guy sat on a counter and concluded that he should sit down as well. He walked towards the far wall and shoved a crate out of his way. He sat down cross-legged and motioned for the skunk to come to him. Then he picked the skunk up and began grooming it with a whittled brush that he had made weeks ago. Meanwhile, he leaned back and took in his surrounding while he brushed the skunk.
The only clutter was around the walls so that there was a walkspace in the middle. The floor looked like cement and the walls looked like they were made of wood. There were several boxes and crates against the wall that Mitch was leaning on and there was a variety of stuff just all along the edges.
Finally, his curiosity got the better of him so he put the skunk down and stood up. He wiped his hand over the top of a box and blew the rest of the dust away. The words on it read "Canned Food". He did the same thing to the rest of the boxes and they all said the same thing. It looks like these people were preparing for a famine.
Once Mitch was satisfied with his knowledge, he resumed his position against the wall with the skunk on his lap.
After about fifteen minutes Ray got up and paced. He was dead tired, but knew it wasn't the time to sleep and he wasn't much of a guy that sat around when he wasn't occupied with doing something. Pacing, yes, now that was what he did. Back before this all went down he would pace in his room for long periods of time. It soothed him sort of because when he was sitting around doing nothing at all he got ancy.
Looking around the room he had found a whole lot of nothing. There were boxes of food, but little else. He wondered if it was safe to have his aunt FedEx his laptop and some clothes out here. He'd have to ask. Maybe if he just had them sent to somewhere in town he'd be able to get them. Ray wasn't worried yet about Fin and Matthias, but he knew they'd make it back pretty fast as a panther and a bat. He'd give them another ten minutes. He didn't want to give it much more than what was needed because he knew that they would prioritize getting back and anything that held them up would probably be dangerous. Here or not in the next ten minutes, I'm going back up.
<<Got it, I'll get his attention.>> Lukas called. He pulled out of his flight into a dive, not an easy accomplishment for the goose body. However, it was doable, which in the end proved to be the important thing. He dropped silently, aiming squarely for the controller's head. He approached from the man's left, where he wouldn't be noticed until the last second. Moments before impact, he honked harshly.
The man's head snapped around, torn from his watch on his previous target. His eyes widened as he noticed the large waterfowl inches from his face. Fortunately, his stance suggested he'd been bracing himself for another shot, which left him vulnerable to a flank attack, which became an exploitable weakness. Lukas' chest collided with the man's nose, hard. He was thrown off balance by the blow , and landed hard upon the ground. Lukas yelled out in triumph, but his cry was short-lived. In his panic, the Controller had squueezed a couple of shots from his weapon. One of these shot off through the woods, not colliding with anything in view. The second neatly clipped off Lukas' wing.
<<Ahhh!>> Lukas screeched, as he fell to the floor in a heap. He was bleeding profusely, and he'd probably bleed to death fairly soon if he didn't demorph. However, the Controller had begun to pull himself up, looking around for his weapon, with the obvious intent of finishing off the fallen goose.
<<Mel, I may have drawn his fire...>>